We were indeed buried with him through baptism into death, so that, just as Christ was raised from the dead by the glory of the Father, we too might live in newness of life. -Romans 6:4
Have you ever been to a funeral? When it is for a Catholic, the casket is draped with a white cloth and the Paschal candle is placed at the front of it. Why do we do this? These symbols are used at the funeral to recall a time when they were used previously, namely, our Baptism. At our Baptism, we were clothed in a white garment and were given a lighted candle that took its flame from the Paschal candle. These symbols then at the casket of the deceased show to the faithful that this person was baptized into the death of the Lord. When we are baptized, we are buried with Christ in His own Baptism. That is what was symbolized in Baptism by immersion, where the catechumen would be submerged in water and then brought out again. It is the dying to the old life of sin and rising with Christ to our new life of grace. It means that even as we live our life here on earth, we are called to have our ultimate focus on the life to come. Everything we do here on earth should have Christ as its source and Christ as its goal. And because of our Baptism, we have hope that we shall rise with Christ in His Resurrection to our new life in the Kingdom of God. May we watch in hope today at the tomb of Christ as we await His glorious Resurrection!
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2021 Lenten Schedule
Daily Mass
Every Monday to Friday at 8:00am
Every Monday to Friday at 8:30am after morning Mass
Every Wednesday at 7pm in St. Lucy Chapel in Assumption Church
Monday through Thursday from 3:00-4:00pm and every Friday from 8:30am until 7:00pm in Assumption Church
Stations of the Cross
Every Friday at 7:00pm
Lenten 40 Hours of Adoration
Thursday, March 11 – 9am to 10pm
Friday, March 12 – 9am to 10pm
Saturday, March 13 – 9am to 4pm
An Evening of Hope – Saturday, March 13 – 7pm
Holy Hour with Eucharistic Healing Service and Music by Jeffrey Shields
St. Joseph Feast Day Celebration
Friday, March 19th – 7:00 pm Mass and Consecration to St. Joseph
Holy Week Schedule
Tenebrae (The Story of Holy Week) – Saturday, March 27 at 7:15pm
Palm Sunday – March 28th
8:00am, 10:00am and 12:00pm Masses
Holy Thursday – April 1st
7:00pm Mass of the Supper of the Lord at Assumption
Good Friday – April 2nd
3:00pm Service at Assumption
8:00pm Outdoor Stations of the Cross – Video Restream
Holy Saturday – April 3rd
11:00am Blessing of the Food at Assumption
8:00pm Easter Vigil Mass at Assumption
Easter Sunday – April 4th
8:00am Mass at Assumption
8:00am Mass at St. Anthony
10:00am Mass at Assumption
10:00am Mass at Sacred Heart
* NO 12:00pm Mass
***Masses and Events are held at Assumption Church unless otherwise noted.***