OCTOBER 10, 2021 – OCTOBER 31, 2023
A few weeks ago, we discussed the 2021-2023 Synod and what each Catholic parish around the WORLD is being assigned to do to assist with the success of the Synod. We are now at the point where we will be receiving feedback from every parishioner.
It is only necessary to attend ONE meeting. Below we have listed the meeting dates, locations and times. We the delegates for our parish are kindly asking you to help us make this very important project a success by attending one meeting or answering the questions online via this SYNOD QUESTION FORM. You may also download the questions here and email your responses to Joe.bednar@christtheredeemer.us or drop them in the box at the back of each our churches by November 30th.
For many years we have had questions about our Catholic Church and its direction. We now have the exact instrument to voice our opinions and concerns. Pope Francis is asking us for feedback so please take this opportunity to provide him this information.
Your parish delegates,
Joe Bednar
Karen Paullin
Cindy Obre
Joe Giampietro
Synod Question Meetings/Dates & Times
- Sat., Nov. 13th (after 4:30pm Mass) at Assumption Church w/Joe Bednar
- Sun., Nov. 14th (after 8:00am Mass) at St. Anthony w/Karen Paullin & Joe Bednar
- Sun., Nov. 14th (After 10:00am Mass) at Sacred Heart w/Cindy Obre, Karen Paullin
- Mon., Nov. 15th, 7:00pm Assumption Church Hall w/Cindy Obre & Joe Bednar
- Wed., Nov. 17th, 7:00pm Assumption Church Hall w/Karen Paullin & Joe Giampietro
- Thurs., Nov. 18th, 7:00pm (for Knights of Columbus) at Knights Hall in Waterford – Joe Bednar
- Sat., Nov. 20th, 9:00am (for Quilting Ministry) at Assumption Church Hall – Cindy Obre
- Mon., Nov. 22nd, 7:00pm (for Stephen Ministry) Pope Benedict Center w/Joe Bednar
- Sun., Nov. 28th, (after 9:00am Mass) at Assumption Church – Joe Giampietro & Joe Bednar